After a long time, I'm here. again.
Feeling lost when I started my new journey~
So much things happened in the past.
So much experiences gained in the process.
So much feelings felt in the journey.
Yet, there're more to be experienced and to be going through in this life~
While looking back to the past,
I realized that I'm not the same~
There's some attitude that I can never changed
There's some hobbies that I still love to do
And there's some feelings that remain the same
But, I gradually change to someone with new perspectives.
Someone with new expectations and hope.
Someone with new way of living this life.
Kinda funny when I think about it,
but yeah, I really love everything that I have right now.
My family, my friends and my babies (cats).
also, my study.
there's nothing that I want except for their happiness :) <3